Marketing Communication and trade

Marketing Communication and trade

Marketing  : is all the means implemented by a company to market its products and services in line with a target market. Marketing involves knowing the market (customers, their expectations), their company and the competition (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) and developing a strategy to market their products or services: defining the product, its price, its distribution channel and means of promotion.

Trade  : Operation of sale, or purchase and resale of a commodity, of value.

Business communication, it is all the forms of communication that an organization uses to transmit and exchange messages with the public involved in its development. It can be used to promote the offer to increase sales or boost brand image.


UFR Management Science

Training duration

3 years (Bachelor) 5 years (Master)

The objective of the training

The objective of the training is on one hand is to make learners acquire a set of knowledge and practices necessary in marketing
– Concept of marketing theory
– Marketing methods and tools
– Understanding of the environment of the marketing function

Sectoral knowledge on the other hand, the training aims at helping students acquire a strong professionalism through a strong involvement on the part of marketing specialists from the business world in the training, participation in teaching, participation in conferences, work-study professional project management with optional individual internship at the end of training.

This professional training provides students, in addition to traditional training, a dual skills in Commerce/marketing & Digital communication technologies (mobile internet, etc.) by learning strategic and operational know-how in the fields of e-commerce, e-marketing and digital communication. These sectors hire heavily and often allow rapid advancement towards positions of responsibility.
Examples of subjects
Project management, Economic and commercial watch, Strategies (corporate, marketing and brand), Community management (social networks), production of advertising spots, etc.

pedadogic material
–          A computer room with more than 50 PCs
–          Free Internet access on campus 24 hours a day

– Digital advertising manager
 – Social network manager (Community manager, Social media manager)
– Business development manager
– Assistant product manager
– Corporate communication manager
– Business negotiator industrial and sales environment
– ​​Web marketer
– Marketing researcher
– Marketing manager / Digital marketing manager
– Web and mobile product manager
– Digital strategy manager for a brand (Brand content manager);
– E-reputation manager

–          …

What are the requirements to enroll in Marketing Communication and Commerce?

  • First year : Hold a Baccalaureate or equivalent

  • Second year : Validation of 60 ECTS credits (2 semesters) of the first year in Management Science following an LMD bulletin format

  • Third year : Have validated the second year of the license in Management Science

  • Master 1 : Students who have validated the 180 ECTS (6 semesters) of the License in Management Science or equivalent can apply for the continuation of their studies in one of the specialties of this Master

  • Master 2 : Have validated training in Master 1 of the chosen specialization or equivalent