Animal Production

Animal Production

All of the techniques relating to animal husbandry from which various consumer products are derived.

Faculty of

Agronomic Science

Training duration

3 years (Bachelor) 5 years (Master)

Training objective

This specialty trains specialists in animal husbandry and the animal sector, with solid knowledge of all animal production techniques equally in biology and chemistry.
The student learns livestock management in all these aspects: food quality, animal growth, reproduction, handling and interventions on animals, health monitoring, animal welfare, building design.

Example of Specific subject 
– Food for mono and polygastrics (Pigs, Rabbits, Poultry). 
Some Skills to be acquired 
– Realization of technical, financial, regulatory and environmental diagnoses concerning breeding.
– Handle machinery and equipment related to breeding and production.
–Manage a farm with breeding where one will learn : quality of food, growth, reproduction and welfare of animals, health monitoring, intervention and manipulation (insemination and care, for example) of animals.
– Create a business
– Understand how organizations work.
– Work in a team
– Mastery of basic computer tools. 
Educational Material
 – Course materials, review boards, practical work room, animal production application farm.
– Heads of farms
– Livestock manager.
– Technical or commercial adviser.
– manager for the development and management of fisheries

What are the requirements to enroll in Animal Production?

  • First year : Hold a Baccalaureate C – D – E – F or equivalent

  • Master 1 : On file and interview for holders of a foreign diploma of minimum BAC+3 level

  • Master 2 : On file, after agreement of the formator and on the advice of the UFR council, for students holding an M1 level validated in an agronomic course.