Finance Accounting and Audit
Finance: Science of managing individual wealth (budgeting, savings and retirement planning), corporate wealth (managing a company’s assets, liabilities, income and debts) and public funds ( tax systems, public expenditure, debt problems, etc.).
Accounting: accounting is a discipline that allows the establishment of accounts and the reporting, continuously and in real time, of the financial situation of a company. Its scope extends from the receipt of accounting documents, their processing (classification, recording, etc.) to the production of the company’s financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, etc.)
The auditis an operation that aims at verifying all the accounts and annual reports of a company. It ensures that its accounts are kept in compliance with the accounting standards in force.
Faculty of Management Science
Duration of training
3 years (Bachelor) 5 years (Master)

Training objectives
This specialized and practical training first leads the student to acquire the fundamentals in the fields of accounting, finance and auditing. Then, it allows students to develop skills in the management of accounting systems. And finally, it allows them to draw up financial statements and know how to use them for analysis and management purposes;It should be noted that particular emphasis is placed on the mastery of IT tools for finance, accounting and auditing.
Examples of subjects
Accounting Techniques, Tax Management, Management Control, Financial Audit, Financial Analysis, Strategic Management, Statistical Data Analysis, Advanced Financial Mathematics, Cost Accounting, General Accounting, etc.
Pedagogical Material
– A computer room with more than 50 PCs, with accounting, finance and auditing software
– Free Internet access on campus 24 hours a day
– Accountant
– Management controller
– Assistant financial director
– Internal auditor
– Collaborators of expertise and audit firms
– Accounting and financial director